For more than nine years, Omida Sea And Air S.A. has been providing comprehensive Door to Door services of liquid cargo transport in Flexitanks, both for export and import. The solutions we offer our clients are tailored, depending on the cargo requirements and the client’s needs.
Flexitank services include:
- verification of empty containers at the terminal,
- assembling a Flexitank in a container,
- transport of the container with the Flexitank to the place of loading,
- supervision while loading the cargo into the Flexitank and an inspection company report,
- transport of the container and its cargo to the port,
- freight to the destination port.
The transport of goods in a flexitank is considered to be one of the cheapest and most effective solutions that facilitate the transport of liquid chemicals and liquid food cargo. We individually negotiate freight rates and free-of-charge days in the destination port for our clients.